Providing a calm environment for both animals and owners


Water provides a number of properties that are useful for an array of canine conditions. It allows older dogs a brief period of weightlessness where they can exercise with reduced pressure on painful joints whilst the warmth of the water can reduce soft tissue tension and improve mobility. It provides an element of proprioceptive input for dogs with neurological conditions and provides an element of drag which assists strengthening for all types of patients.

We offer clinical assessment and treatment in a calm environment at our centre. Home exercises will be recommended and advice on lifestyle, activity and exercise is included to promote a holistic approach to rehabilitation.
Veterinary Physiotherapy is the assessment and treatment of animals through a range of manual techniques to help injured animals suffering from orthopaedic, musculoskeletal, or neurological dysfunctions. Physiotherapy assessment can be used to understand why a lameness or limp occurred originally to locate the source of pain or dysfunction.

What we offer

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

Underwater Treadmill

Therapeutic Ultrasound

Therapeutic Exercise

Laser Therapy


How this helps your dog

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Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy can successfully treat a wide range of cats and dogs, including;
Improving mobility and reducing discomfort in long-term joint disorders and conditions
Speeding the recovery from injuries or surgery
Physiotherapy can be used in the run up to surgical procedures (prehabilitation) to prepare the animal to be in the best musculoskeletal state post-op
Strengthening exercise programmes for animals require more muscle mass, or athletic / working animals
Maintaining and improving performance in athletic dogs to reduce the risk of injury
Improve mobility and quality of life in neurological/spinal patients (conservatively or post-operatively)
Helping animals with cardio-respiratory problems and conditions
What Does A Session Include?

We have set up our appointments so that whatever your dog needs, they receive. For example they may require a full hydrotherapy session or a mix of hydro and physio, with laser therapy and other modalities. We believe that this approach is the best for our patients' mobility and wellbeing.
An hour session is £72 and we offer a block booking deal of one free session when a block of 10 is purchased.
In some cases, 30 minute sessions are appropriate which may focus on a sole treatment modality ie just underwater treadmill. These sessions are £50 for 30 minutes and include a full report as standard.
Physiotherapy & hydrotherapy is often covered by insurance in rehab cases. We are happy to assist you in the claims process.